The Physicians for Keiki Circle is an exclusive group of physicians who are committed to changing the systems and policies that affect Hawaiʻi’s families and children beyond their practice, with a gift of $250 ($21/mo) or more to HCAN.

Membership in the Circle includes:

  • Acknowledgment – you will receive a certificate to display in your office and demonstrate your commitment to keiki and all members of the Physician’s for Keiki Circle will be acknowledged to the HCAN network of 4,500 family advocates
  • Mahalo Ad in the Honolulu Magazine Top Doctors Edition (must be a member as of March 31, 2019)
  • A leader in the movement – know that you are part of the long-term solution to the issues our keiki and their families face
  • Tax-deductible – your gift is tax deductible
  • Celebrate – with a pau hana, once a year
  • Advocacy Training - Participate in advocacy efforts if you chose, including advocacy training, assistance writing testimony and media outreach such as letters to the editor.


We look forward to welcoming in you into the Circle!

Current Members

Travis Hong, MD, FAAP (HCAN Board Member)

Louise Iwaishi, MD 

Calvin C.J. Sia, MD, FAAP