Census: ZIP codes with low response rates

Find the ZIP codes correlating with low census response rates

Facebook/Instagram and Twitter ads allow for geotargeting by postal (ZIP) code. This tool makes it easier to target areas with low census response rates by computing their ZIP codes. Learn more about HCAN's 2020 census campaign, #CountAllKeiki, or download our shareable census resources.


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ZIP codes (click to copy):


The U.S. Census Bureau releases daily updates on census response rates by tract. The tracts are converted to the 2010 tract codes using the Census Bureau's conversion data. The tracts are then converted to ZIP codes using HUD data. (Census tracts do not map cleanly to ZIP codes. Some tracts overlap multiple ZIP codes; some ZIP codes include multiple tracts.) The tracts are also correlated with the Population Reference Bureau's analysis of tracts with a "very high," "high," or "low" risk of undercounting children under age 5.

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